24 October 2012

Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say

I've lost my bloggy, it seems.  Trust me, it isn't because I have nothing to say.  That could be a fatal flaw of mine, always something to say.  And I am still grateful, that is not the problem.  No giant obstacles, no writer's block.  Just time.

We got caught up in baseball fever.  We had our hearts broken when the Reds imploded.  We had a great time celebrating downtown.  Then I decided it would be a great time to fall oh so gracefully and wreck my knee.  We have spent the time since then shuttling back and forth between medical appointments, dropping outrageous money on co-pays along the way.  I could go on a healthcare rampage here, but I will take a deep breath and recall my previous "grateful for insurance" post instead.

Really, there's nothing out of the ordinary going on.  I think it has been a moment of refocus.  I've been reading a lot of really profound earth changing blogs and I start to feel a little shallow and pointless.  I know that it is not the case, in theory, but man.  Reading about people doing missionary work, describing these life altering trips to Haiti makes me sit back and wonder.  I will get into that later.  I've been doing a lot of thinking about change, with a capital C.  We will see where it leads.

I went back to work full-time this week, which is HUGE.  I try not to focus on it.  Honestly, is it that different?  I have one day less off a week.  I still get to work at home.  My job still rocks.  I also switched up some medical stuff, but that's neither here nor there.  I actually feel pretty great now.  I'm a walking pharmacy, but if I learned one thing over the last year or so, it's to trust the opinions and advice of those with much more expertise than I have.

Moral of the story, it's all good.  I will be back to being grateful tomorrow.

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