28 October 2012

Turning grey and it surely looks like rain

The weather has me in a funk today.  Nothing like stepping outside to go to church to find that it's not only cold, but it is "is it going to freakin' snow" cold.  I love fall so much that knowing that OTHER season is approaching makes me want to hunker down under multiple blankets and growl at people.  Blame it on the barometric pressure changes with all the storms around.

So today is my small things I am grateful for that are not sports or music related in any way.  (I can do it, I promise)

While they are still there, the leaves falling off the trees.  Doing a continuous scratch scratch scratch on the concrete outside my bedroom window, reminding me that they are still sticking around.

The velvety underside of a dog's snout.  Is there anything even remotely as soft on the planet?  I can sit and scratch Rosie's face for as long as she will let me and be perfectly content.

The color of the sky at the exact moment of twilight, dusk, whatever you choose to call it.  Its a deep blue indigo, a color almost without a name.  There is a spot in time at that exact moment where the world seems to go almost silent, as if nature needs to take a deep breath before switching over to night.

Getting a package.  Man, I am such a kid when it comes to mail.  Good mail, obviously, not the grown up variety.  Since I don't get letters like I used to, its generally in the form of packages.  But it makes no difference to me.  Even when I know the package is a bottle of vitamins and some notebook paper, it still holds that level of excitement for me.

The way every kid, I don't care how old they are, looks a guaranteed half their age while they are sleeping.  I could watch my kids sleep all night, if I thought they wouldn't wake up and think I was some sort of maternal stalker.  There is just something so sweet and innocent about sleeping kids.

The feel of the pages in a brand new magazine.  Now I will admit, I've mostly switched over to digital versions of my favorite print magazines, more for convenience sake than any real issue with magazines.  The other day I happened to pick up a magazine at the check out in line at the grocery store and I had an aha! moment.  This is what's missing.  The actual feel of the pages!  Not only that, but in many of the magazines I frequent, the smells.  You just don't get that from a Kindle.

I have been a dreadful insomniac since I was born it sometimes seems.  So this next one is a rarity for me, but still amazing.  That feeling that you get right as you know you are going to fall into a deep sleep.  A sense of peace, near paralysis of your body and just...rest.

Sigh.  See?  I feel better all ready.

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