06 October 2010

Life version 2.5

Wow.  I knew I was taking a break from blogging but I had no idea it had been so very long.  Sadly, I'm not sure much of real consequence was missed, but I guess that could be considered a good thing.

Today is a beautiful fall day in Northern Kentucky, right now in the 60s, slight breeze, sunshine all around.  We got surprised over the last week with an unusual cold front that had me downright frightened that winter might be imminent.  I wrapped myself up in blankets, shivered and believe it or not, I didn't freeze to death.  I just need to ease into it.  Going from high 80s and 90s to 50s was a little harsh.  I did manage to knit a pair of mittens and start a sweater though, so maybe from a creative standpoint it was a good thing.

First day of the MLB playoffs!  If you had told me last year that we would be living in a town where the team hadn't made the playoffs since 1995, I would have been confused.  But we have adopted this Reds team as our own (let me make this clear: in the NATIONAL League!), made it to quite a few games and become addicts.  No Sox in the playoffs this year, but its exciting to cheer for the underdog.  Game 1 against the Phillies later tonight - we are ready!  Little man has turned into a baseball idiot savant.  Its going to be difficult for him when the season is over and he can't quote the last night's box scores every morning.

I think I forgot the most important development of the last few months.  We are ready to watch the game...in our own place!  We finally escaped!  Going into our 4th week in our new place, a cute little house that we are renting from a friend of ours at work.  Circumstances worked out in that almost divinely perfect manner for all of us.  We were having trouble finding a place and she needed to move in with her ailing father.  We love the house.  We got in just in time to get the little man started in Kindergarden and slowly I am sorting through the pieces of our lives.  We threw out a good portion of our belongings when we left that one place we never lived.  I am continuing that trend.  One thing I learned by not having but the barest of essential possessions for 7 months is that I just don't need all the stuff.  Like I said, work in progress.

Things are finally peaceful.  We have had a really rough year.  It was a touch and go type summer.  I shut down emotionally, which is why I stopped blogging altogether.  Things were...rough.  I ended up spending 2 weeks in New Mexico thinking it would help.  It did.  Unfortunately, you have to come back eventually!  Our move was delayed for far longer than I ever anticipated, but I'm hoping the battles fought and won and all the struggles have just made us all that much stronger.

Now we settle into life again.  Exhale.