04 March 2010

I've been getting just a little too "sullen, suffer in silence" for my own good the past few days.  To throw out one selfish prop to myself, life with no money, no job and living with the inlaws isn't exactly the high life.  But it IS our life at the moment and my fits of selfishness aren't going to make time go by any quicker.

Tonight is Mikey's first night at work.  Hopefully he can get in and out of training muy rapido so that he can just start working. Its beyond frustrating that I can't work, for more reasons than me just wanting to help out monetarily.  At this point I would love, love to get out on my own, at least for a little while a day.  Unfortunately that isn't going to happen any time soon, at least until we can get another vehicle.  So for now, I am here with Bay, Mikey when he is here now and Mikey's mom.

I'm reintroducing myself to the Disney Channel.  I wish they showed Phineas and Ferb and Jonas all day.

The sheer volume of knitting projects I have not only cast on but finished since we've been here (two weeks tomorrow, in fact) is impressive.  Including a very fancy blanket made for the one and only Cooper Cow last night.  Spoiled rotten bovine, yes he is!

We've gone out a few times.  Met a super cool bartender who was so impressed by her recent trip to Albuquerque that she tattoed red AND green chili on her arm.  This weekend I'm hoping to go to the annual Bock Fest in Cincinnati, which also includes a tour of the Prohibition era breweries and bars that I missed the sign up for.  Next year!  Have I mentioned people that live in Cincinnati drink the most beer per capita of any metro area in the country?  Perfect, right?

Mostly, its just a take it as it comes sort of existence.  But hey!  The sun stayed out alllll day long today, so I consider this an good sign of things to come.  I'm seriously thinking about doing something drastic fitness wise this spring, so stay tuned for that.  Or at least for a good laugh.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Oh man, we LOVE Phineas and Ferb! Dude!

I hope Mikey's first night went well and hope you'll all begin to settle in. Even if it's freakin' cold where you are. ;)