22 February 2010

Bay and I at our NEW location (aka the inlaws's spare bedroom)

Day #1 of working on getting life on track here.  We spent the weekend exploring, acclimating and if you were me, freaking at random intervals.  Today it was time to get to work, or attempt to.  

The place we are staying is a bit far out, but nothing unmanageable.  Its just an adjustment learning to live in the suburbs after living in, well, small town hell.  We've done a bit of exploring and today we went out to some areas we'd scoped out to look for a J-O-B.  At least for Mikey, for now.  This is something that I hate, its a process I dread.  So does he.  Surprised that we ended the afternoon using each other for target practice?  Don't be.  I'm not.  

I did spend a blissful half hour wandering around a Borders, looking at all the shiny beautiful books I want that I can't afford.  Number one on my list is the Mason Dixon knitting book.  I love it!!  Must have.

Things are settling into their own little groove.  There are adjustments at every turn and things I must remind myself about all day.  We did this for a reason.  It WILL be better.  I CAN handle my inlaws, bless them.  And as private of a person as I can be, this is an exercise in learning to live peacefully among others and accepting little quirks.  Each day is a new adventure, a new experience and a new lesson to be learned.

Like this one.  Why can you not buy liquor or wine in grocery stores here?  Not that I have had the occasion to do so, but this is weird, weird to me.  And you can smoke in bars?!  Haven't seen that in a hot minute.  News on at 11.  Of course, along with this is prime time starting at 8.  

Small adjustments.  I admit it, I am addicted to certain things (beyond the obvious.  *snort*)  One is tv while I sleep.  Not necessarily because I watch it, but because I need the noise and light.  Not one in our room.  I've been falling asleep with the IPod on, but I wake up disoriented and weirded out.  Maybe I can break my addiction.    

So.. nothing big but yet it all feels big to me.  It looks different (WAY different), it feels different, it smells different.  I won't fully adjust until we have our own place, our own jobs, our own things, our own groove.  But I can work on the small stuff for now.


Brandi said...

Well, if nothing else you and Bay look extremely happy! =)

Good luck on the job hunt!

abqtj said...

You'll do great, Shannon!