08 March 2010

I am an other-worldly level of cranky today.  Like, do not approach or you risk losing a body part.  My sleeping patterns are whacked out at the moment, so that certainly doesn't help.  I've been having dreams that run the gamut from getting murdered (that whole you can't dream about dying or you die myth?  I'm here to tell you its BS) to sitting on a old couch on the patio of a restaurant owned by Dave Grohl.  Ok, my husband was with me, but still.  My awake hours are decidedly UNproductive, because, well, I don't really have much to do.  It still invokes some level of guilt event though I know, logically, there is nothing I am neglecting or putting off.

Moral of the story?  There isn't one.  I just needed to growl a little.  I'm trying to stay away from flesh and blood humans at the moment until their safety isn't in question.  Better to pound away at the keyboard while they play Super Mario than scare them.

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