23 March 2010

cups and fishicide

I'm missing my littles today.  As I recline on the couch watching "Wizards of Wiverly/Wizerly Place the Movie" (how Bay says it depends on the moment) I wonder what they are doing right now.  The time zone difference screws me up.  Its almost noon here, but for them its probably morning recess.  And I bet its warm, dammit.

I have been talking to them almost nightly lately, its as if they sense my missing them and want to fill me in on their days.  Dilly, or "Orange-y", in particular.  He gave me a near 5 minute lecture this weekend on how if Bay is really serious about playing t-ball it is very important that he not forget to wear a cup.  *snickers* I totally needed a long conversation with a 7 year old about boy junk.  He also sweetly offered to send Bay his old t-ball gear - including his cup.  Um, thanks Dill.  I think we can handle it.  I want to laugh every time I even think about him.  His typical response to anything I tell him is "Oh my god."  Spoken almost in one word.    Dramatic much?

They got new fish this weekend.  Some sort of African fish that apparently eats other fish.  It seems their dad wanted to start fresh in the tank.  I didn't ask.  Sometimes its better not to know.  Dilly thought it was cool.  Logan really couldn't care less.  Cassie, on the other hand, described to me how she took her favorite fish and  proceeded to "free" it, Nemo style, down the toilet, rather than risk fish murder at the hands of the new African fish.  Ummm, ok.  No, I didn't take it any further.  She's going to end up being a vet.  Or maybe a lion tamer.  Either way.  Although she was channeling her inner me, doing her science project on the very last night of the very last day of Spring Break.  Nope, not me!

As long as I maintain some level of knowledge about video games, Logan and I could talk for hours.  He is so calm and so cool.  I love that about him.  Yes, he gets emotional.  But he is such an even-keeled child.  So UNlike his mama.  I won't lie and say that I don't intentionally try to rile him up.  ;)

I can't wait for them to come out and experience this new place.  They are going to love it, its so completely different than anything my Southwest born and bred children have ever experienced.  Just about 2 months.  I can't wait.

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