25 March 2010

Oh, the trouble I've seen

I love being a mom.  I really do.  But there are definitely things that I miss about being childless.  Like right now - I would so much rather be watching One Life to Live or the Mets/Cardinals game.  Instead.. "Snow Buddies".  Sigh.  So much to sacrifice for a few rare moments of peace with the 4 year old.  And believe it or not, he is sitting on the couch, completely quiet and mostly still.  Amazing.

Then there is sleep.  Ah, precious sleep.  If you aren't a sleep person, you won't get it.  I adore sleep.  I crave it. I always have, even as a kid.  My dad was a notorious napper..I blame it on genes.  Giving up sleep, or at least uninterrupted at-will sleep has been one of the more difficult transitions I have had to make as a parent.  I can't wait until my kids are old enough to WANT to sleep in.

Of course I miss my size 4 pre-parenthood figure.  And on the sleep subject (see?  I have a one track mind!) I really miss sleeping on my stomach.  Its not that I can't, I just don't anymore.  I was so trained to sleep on my side after 4 babies that I still do it.

I miss being able to go out on a whim.  I miss shopping without an agenda or plan.  I miss being able to do anything spontaneous, quite honestly.

I miss not having to worry, 24/7.  But alas, that comes with the territory.  I am now a constant worrier.  I come up with ridiculous scenarios about various ills that may befall my kiddos.  OCD much?

Yet, these are the sacrifices that we gladly make..right??  Sure they are!  Although I personally can't wait to be a parent of grown children.  :)

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