16 November 2012

My head is full of magic, baby

I am in a creative mood today, a bit manic even (in a good way, I promise).  I have more than a few projects in the works and lurking on the fringes.  I feel productive!  For most of my "adult" life I think I resigned myself to the you can't do that mentality when it comes to branching out, taking a chance.

So.  What the hell am I talking about, right?

I have enough time and enough motivation at this point in my life that I can finally take a giant leap of faith and do something I have always wanted to do.  Write.  Not blog, although obviously I will do that.  But write, write.  And even more exciting?  I am DOING it, not just obsessing about it, worrying about it, planning to do it, coming up with reasons why it's a bad idea, starting and rejecting it.  Doing it.  I must say...it feels great.  It's like I have kept it all bottled up and now words and thoughts and ideas are just...there.

As bad as I am at being secretive, I'm going to keep things under wraps from everyone, including the most nosy in my life (I'm looking at you!) until I have a workable output that is worth sharing.  All I ask for is your best wishes, good vibes, prayers.  Whatever you would like to send my way.  Actually working towards realizing a dream of what I wanted to be when I grow up - which I won't - is pretty damn cool.

Current inspirational playlist: (on shuffle, obviously)**

Money Maker - The Black Keys
First it Giveth - Queens of the Stone Age
Bell Bottom Blues - Derek and the Dominos
The Catalyst - Linkin Park
Kill Rock n' Roll - System of a Down
Light of the Morning - Band of Skulls  (or as Bay calls it, the fast car song)
The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You - My Chemical Romance
U Mass - Pixies
Mekong - Refreshments
New Born - Muse

**disclaimer:  Yes.  I realize I am quite strange.

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