23 January 2010

Ok. I feel much better today. Its sort of a gloomy day.. dark, rainy, thunder in the distance. But I am bundled up in my blankets watching Titanic for the gazillionth time. Nothing wrong with some vintage Leo to help the mood, is there? Practically medicinal!

Reunion of little man and his daddy is complete. He was completely surprised, as he had no idea of the impending visit. They are both happy and I can hear that happiness in their voices, which touches me long distance in its intensity. I can't wait until I have both of them back here to love them and never let them go again. Whatever happens in our lives next we can handle together. Nothing can be more important than that.

Today is also my daughter's 9th birthday!! Because she is obviously my girl, she is having a party at a Sushi/teppan grill restaurant and then a sleepover. :) I wish I could be there, but she is happy and obviously having a great day. I've already gotten a "Mooommmm" after calling her several times to sing different renditions of a birthday song. If there is one things all my kids understand, its that I will be me, in all of my goofiness. Its one trait that I am proud to say I got from my dad, as much as he sometimes mortified me growing up.

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