10 April 2010

What to read, what to read?

I love to read.  I've always loved to read.  I was THAT kid, the one that always had a book and preferred to go to the library than almost anywhere else over the summer.  This habit has done me well through life, particularly because not only do I love to read, but I read fast.  Like, superfast.  That was great when I was in school.  I could get through things quickly and easily.  If I have a lot of books lying around at any given point in time, life is grand.  If not, things get ugly.

Case in point.  We are currently residing with my husband's parents.  We moved across country and we are staying with them until we get "established", whatever that means.  What it means to me is that it better be soon or my sanity is forever threatened, but that is a totally different post.

I have a lot of books on my laptop that I will read when hubby is at work and not trying to hog it for himself to farm, read Bill Simmons or chat with his fantasy sports geek buddies.  (We really need two laptops.  Maybe in my rich life?)  When he has the laptop and I don't have anything to read, well, I have been experimenting.  I finished all the books I had in fairly short order after arriving here.  Then I started to browse through the inlaws library.  Hmm.  There was a Patricia Cornwell I hadn't yet read and a couple other mystery/crime novels that were good fun.  Then desperation sets in.  Danielle Steel.  Ugh.  I know my sister and I used to read her when we would sneak the books from my mom in high school.  We thought we were oh so scandalous.

I've since moved on to other forms of smut, oops, I mean "romance" novels.  Nora Roberts is my personal favorite for complete escapism.  So it had been years since I opened a Danielle Steel book.  A-W-F-U-L.  Almost unbearable.  I say almost because of course I read them, I had to read something, didn't I?  Don't get me wrong, I am not a literary snob.  I'll read almost anything if it keeps my interest.  But this is just bad.  One of those experiences where I feel slightly dumber when I finish.  I'm not knocking anyone who enjoys her work, don't get me wrong.  I just remember her stuff being a little more entertaining.  Maybe she's out of original material?  I dunno.

Sound to anyone like I need a trip to Borders or Barnes and Noble stat??

1 comment:

Shell said...

Oooh, I love some Nora Roberts!

At the very least, you need a library trip!