11 January 2011

Lucky Day! And a little bit of perspective..

What is it about numbers that turns normally logical people into superstitious loons?  That has nothing to do with anything I wanted to say today, but I just had to mention it.  So far all  1/11/11 means to me is yet another snow day and a bunch of white stuff that doesn't want to stop falling.  But we did get this out of it!

In true fashion, I've been lax in my blogging.  I've never been a huge fan of resolutions, I prefer to think of them as...life tweeks?  Among those are doing this more faithfully.  A good portion of the last two years were basically crap, up until about September when we got our life back.  I'd really like to get  back to sharing the good stuff.  :)

One thing 2010 did give me was a big dose of perspective.  We went from the lowest of low to a little better to less better and by the end of the year I would say we are about even.  That's not a bad place to be, all things considered.  When I look back to this time last year, its practically a miracle that our family is still in one piece.  Its taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears.  And trust me, things are not perfect, but that would just be boring, wouldn't it?    

2010 was a huge adjustment with the move, but we've come to love living in Kentucky.  Its different, don't get me wrong.  I regularly get bouts of homesickness and obviously I miss the guys.  But having so much to do is a welcome change.  I am desperately looking forward to spring, and I am not entirely certain I will ever fully acclimate to Midwest winters.  Snow has just become a way of life.  And not seeing the sun will never be ok with me.  Good thing I'm taking a trip to the sunny Southwest soon!

Another huge "life tweek" (that sounds so new age and cheesy..it stays!) is a renewed attempt to get healthy.  Although I am a perennial 29, lets face it.  Not getting any younger.  I've got Mikey on board with me and so far it is really helping.  Doing South Beach type eating, which has not only been very successful for me in the past, but allows us to eat actual yummy and realistic foods.  Tonight we are having a Rosemary Mediterranean Beef Stew.  I'm going to try to use this blog to share recipes/diet progress as well.

We have made ourselves a goal to run a 5K in May - http://www.flyingpigmarathon.com/.  I'm not going to lie, I have zero motivation to go out there in the cold.  Working on an alternative to that, because that is a huge obstacle.  I've been very inspired by some friends that have turned into fitness nuts (you know who you are!) and its become something I want.  I figure I can transfer some of my OCD into good, not evil.

So for now I will close by saying I feel hopeful for the future, thankful for the blessings we have been given and excited for the adventures we will surely have in 2011!