08 June 2010


Haven't blogged in a bit.  A full month, actually.  Not that there hasn't been excitement in my life, its just that, well, the excitement is not all that exciting!

I did actually look for, apply for and get a job.  And started.  Still feeling my way around and trying to make it my place.  Part of the problem of working in one restaurant for so many years is that co-workers became close friends and just walking into the building became like home.  The place I worked in the hellhole was never like that.  I'm hopeful the new place will be better.  Everyone is a bit older and most of the servers have been there for years.  That speaks VOLUMES in this industry.  But like I said, still feeling it out.

I am not so happy to say we are still living at the inlaws.  Never in my wildest nightmares did I anticipate being here this long, but circumstances are what they are.  We are now actively looking for a place and as soon as we get one?  Hasta la vista baby!  To say I'm excited would be just a tad of an understatement.  I've never longed for my own space and privacy so much in my life.

And yes, the insanity continues.  Its become almost a joke how often I hear MIL gossiping about me.  Trust me on this one peeps, I absolutely do not do anything so exciting or scandalous enough to warrant the amount of time spent gossiping about me.  I sometimes wish I did!  Most of the time I'm not working is spent hidden in the bedroom.  When we are both off, we are generally not here at all.  Who knew I was so intriguing?

We continue to explore our new place, which is amazing fun.  It is indescribably beautiful here this time of year.  It gets humid, sometimes a bit warm but it is so green!  I told Mikey yesterday that I never realized I had a need for trees in my life.  I do.  I love them.  Maybe I will get used to them and long for the desert?

So for now we are settling in to summer and planning for the future.  See?  Not so exciting.